
Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

Knowledgeable Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

Spinal Cord Injury LawyerA spinal cord injury can include any type of damage or trauma to the spinal cord, which is the bundle of nerves protected by the spine.  An accident may result in a partially or completely severed spinal cord, or less severe trauma that results in inflammation around the spinal cord.  It is possible for a person to break his back or neck without permanently damaging the spinal cord, just as it is possible to damage the spinal cord without fracturing the back or neck.

The effects of a spinal cord injury will vary greatly depending on the severity and location of the damage.  Severe damage may result in total paralysis, while more mild damage may cause only a reduced ability to control a certain part of the body.  An injury higher up on the spinal cord will affect a greater percentage of the body than an injury lower down along the spinal cord.  Some common effects of spinal cord injury include:

  • Paralysis (paraplegia and quadriplegia)
  • Seizures or muscle spasms
  • Loss of sensation
  • Loss of control over muscles
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss bladder and bowel control.

There may also be severe long-term consequences of spinal cord injuries such as an increased risk of infection and heart disease.

At Girones Lawyers, we understand that a spinal cord injury will often have a devastating effect on every aspect of your life. Victims of spinal cord injuries often require lengthy rehabilitation treatments, multiple surgeries, hospital stays and attendant care. You may be unable to return to work for months, years, or you may never be able to work again. Our expert spinal cord injury lawyers will ensure that you receive the compensation that you deserve and get you quickly on the road to recovery.  Contact Girones Lawyers as soon as possible after your accident to preserve your legal rights and protect your family.



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